

  • 12 most Useful Figma Plugins for Designers

    12 most Useful Figma Plugins for Designers

    Figma is way better than every current graphics editor platform, but for a long time, it lacked a major functionality – plugins. It was the only thing that was keeping them behind in the race….

  • 10 websites to find free illustrations

    10 websites to find free illustrations

    You may have noticed that illustrations are trending in the design world for a few years. They aren’t just used to give aesthetic look to websites or graphics; they serve a major purpose. They are…

  • The best way to learn Photoshop

    The best way to learn Photoshop

    If you google “list of best photo editing software”, you’ll find photoshop being on top of every list. Photoshop is widely used software by photographers and graphic designers nowadays. It has become so much popular…

  • Effective way to deal with designer’s block

    You might have experienced a scarcity of creativeness at some point in your career. Some days your brain gives you dozens of design ideas in a single day and other days it’s barren from lack…

  • Create Shadow effect in EPS file

    If Shutterstock’s rejecting your content stating it as a bitmap image (even though it isn’t), the reason might be the shadow you have applied in your graphic.  As you know Shutterstock rejects your .eps file…

  • Create Shutterstock Vector/EPS image step by step

    Is Shutterstock rejecting your graphics every time you upload? You may be unaware of the guidelines for uploading graphics on this platform. There can be many reasons for your rejection, one of them is not…

  • What is Yajra Datatables Plugin in Laravel & How to implement it

    Data is an essential part of every web application. It holds the information regarding that particular app. So, the developer should properly carry out the data displaying task. The importance of displaying information effectively is…

  • Create custom Laravel Middleware

    Laravel middleware acts as a middle layer between users and HTTP requests. Laravel provides the middleware mechanism to filter HTTP requests entering in your application. For example, When the user requests the server, it will…

  • Database Seeding in Laravel

    Database seeding is a process of filling data tables with fake data. Developers use this process for testing purposes. Laravel offers a facility to fill data tables with test data using seeder classes. All seeder…

  • 10 Steps to Get Started with WordPress

    Do you want to build your website or blog but don’t know anything about coding or web development? Then WordPress would be a good option for you.  WordPress offers you a platform to create and…